Doctors at 326 Wilson

For Patients


Only patients belonging to the practice of Dr. Karen Antoniuk, Dr. Skylar Neblett or Dr. Christine-Marie Vu are able to book an appointment.

How we provide care



What if I have paperwork/forms I need to give my doctor? 

  • If you have any paperwork that needs to be provided to your doctor, please contact our office and we will arrange how you can drop off your forms/paperwork to us.

What if I have a health concern that I need to see my doctor for? 

  • If you have a health concern for which you need to seek medical attention, please call our office and we will determine how we can best provide you care.

I’ve heard the office uses a Patient Portal, what is that?

  • Our office uses Pomeló Patient Portal, which is different from our website, as a method of secure messaging and managing appointments at our office (e.g. cancelling appointments). Only patients registered to our patient portal can access it.

  • Secure messaging can only be initiated by our office, allowing us to communicate with you for non-urgent health issues such as providing patient handouts, relaying non-urgent results, as well as communicating information pertaining to upcoming specialist and/or imaging appointments; all attachments sent in a secure message on Pomeló are safe to open.

  • If you are interested in registering to our patient portal, and at least 16 years of age or older, please call the office. A personal (non-shared) email address is required.

Our office has continued to remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic, with changes implemented for your safety and ours.

We understand these are trying times. However, we ask that you continue to be respectful and patient when interacting with our office. We have a zero tolerance policy for any abusive behaviour towards our office.

Please see below for our appointment booking expectations: 

  • We have transitioned back to in-office appointments for patient care and masks will continue to be required for all in-office appointments.

  • Although some appointments may be virtual, your family physician will determine if an appointment can appropriately be done in a virtual manner.